Category: Storyteller

  • Set the Stage

    Set the Stage

    How do you set the stage for your day, week, the month ahead? Today is Monday, the first of November and I can not help but think about setting the stage for my week and month ahead.  Yesterday I sat down with my planner and journal to write out a new plan and I asked…

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  • Lessons from Hamilton

    Lessons from Hamilton

    It is so easy to get stuck in our old habits and ways of living. Waking at the same time, eating dinner at the same time and calling it quits at the same time everyday. As a creature of habit this is how I have lived much of my adult life. There is nothing wrong…

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  • Seek to Understand

    Seek to Understand

    This morning I woke with a heavy heart and mixed feelings. Mixed feelings about Afghanistan. Mixed feelings about all things COVID. Mixed feelings about the world we live in today. People will tell us how to feel and act however; that’s not their job. It’s our job to get quiet, pray and seek wisdom. It’s…

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  • Re-Discovering Play

    Re-Discovering Play

    After years of struggling to find the balance of being a working mom I realized I was too structured and focused on daily tasks that I no longer had fun. My husband was the fun guy in our house and I was the disciplinarian. This role in our family trickled into my own personal development.…

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  • Distorted Image

    Distorted Image

    When you look in a mirror what do you see? Through the years I have had a rollercoaster of emotions attached to the image in the mirror staring back at me.  Love.  Loathing.  Desire for change.  Beating my body into submission for unattainable standards.  It wasn’t until my therapist suggested touching my body and thanking…

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  • Uncertainty


    When I started blogging there was no social media. Just my words on a blog that didn’t have an immediate responses. In those days I would write and ship my thoughts often. Why is it harder to write now? The more growth and change the more uncertainty and questions swirl in my mind. No longer…

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