Thanks to She Reads Truth I spent the first month of this year studying spiritual disciplines. Each week the study encouraged me to pick just one disciple to practice in the coming week. Obedience, sabbath and celebration all caught my attention.
I wrote the following in my journal:
I want to practice the disciple of obedience. I will practice obedience by seeking God first, prayerfully making decisions, studying His word and loving others with God’s love.
I want to practice the discipline of sabbath . I will practice sabbath by getting all my chores done on Saturday, deleting social media on Saturday night, by blocking off time on Sunday morning and making a list of possible sabbath activities.
I want to practice the discipline of celebration. I will practice the discipline of celebration by looking for small ways to celebrate, by celebrating others, by celebrating myself and by learning to allow celebration to happen.
Of the three spiritual disciplines sabbath spoke the most to my heart.
“Sabbath is a weekly date with Jesus, a time set apart when we give our undivided attention.” —Shelly, Miller
We all need rest.
But, what is rest?
Rest is home.
Rest is reading.
Rest is writing
Rest is prayer.
Rest is meeting a friend for coffee.
Rest is walking my dog.
Rest is making a delicious meal for my family.
Rest is what my body and mind needs.
“You’re salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me—the very thing you’ve been unwilling to do.” —Isaiah 30:15 MSG
It is so easy to get lost in the desert searching for the strength to be our own savior. Until we realize the rescuer is already with us in the wilderness; in our wandering we will continue feeling lost and frustrated until we slow down. We must slow down and recognize our savior is within reach patiently awaiting for us to end the chaos.
Tomorrow will be one month of practicing the discipline of sabbath and I am more intrigued than ever before about incorporating longer periods of rest in my year.
Finding a rhythm of rest feels essential to me right now in this season of life. My sleep is out of wack again and my anxiety is sky high. In a last minute attempt to get my mental health back in line I took a week off from work to embrace a longer period of rest.
I understand not everyone can afford a week or a whole day of rest however; I believe there is a lot to be learned from taking a couple hours a week or a few minutes everyday to slow down and rest.
Meditation or a practice of taking five slows breathes before facing your day can be the beginning of embracing more rest in your life.
Putting your phone on do not disturb and hour before going to bed can help your mind disconnect and slow down enough for better rest.
Just remember there is no one way to sabbath or rest.
“Sabbath isn’t about resting perfectly; it’s about resting in the One who is perfect.” —Shelly Miller